The county is the strange place. Everyone religiously takes care of their lawn. There are plenty of lawn novelties, but instead of sunflower wind mills and pink flamingos, you see more boxwood bushes and white birdbath fountains. If you leave your car unlocked, someone will actually come by and armor-all the dash board for you.
My grandparents, Jack and Joe, have been living out in wildwood for nearly ten years. Since they fled from Galaxy Lane, a lovely ranch style north county home on a sort of half circle cul-de-sac I used to ride my tricycle around and around. They also had a crab apple tree. The neighbors kids and I would pull off the apples and pelt each other with them, leaving large red welts on our exposed skin.
Tuesday night was spent in the surgery center. Then around 9 am I headed to my grandparents for what I thought might be two to three weeks. Wednesday I made an appointment with my Grandmother's hair dresser to have my hair washed and blowed dried. My family was extremely helpful caring and supportive. I've never seen people so focused on food in my life. While we eat breakfast (me a protein shake), they talk about what is going to be for lunch. Lunch is at about 11:30. While they make lunch, my grandpa likes to snack on a baloney sandwich, then the homemade chicken soup is finally ready. This was amazing by the way, my grandpa can really made some soup. Then while enjoying the soup we talk about what might be for dinner, pulled pork sandwiches? Stuffed grouper? chicken catatori? And after every meal I was offered cheesecake. I drank alot of iced tea and water. I said no, no, and no. Stuck strictly to my protein, mangos, berries, and veggies. I also found it generally less painful to be sitting up rather or moving around than vegged out on a sofa or bed. Thank goodness for facebook, my macbook, and free wifi.
My mother spent the first night there, then was back and forth from wild wood to pleasantville to take care of Bob.
JT took my car to fenton at night, since he wasn't allowed to spend the night. And came back later in the after noons, where we went to the pool, ate dinner, and watched a Tropic Thunder, Dan in Real Life (really enjoyed that one), something else with that kid who was McLovin in that other movie. I passed out for large portions of most of these. Because valium and oxy are some serious shit. I got off those narcotics asap. The valium however... man... They make EVERYTHING allllriiggght.
Even still, it was hard for me to get to sleep at night. My cognitive theory books where a bit too challenging for my state of mind. And "Youth and Revolt" fell between the bed and the wall on the first night. Plus the words were very fuzzy. So instead, the moments before loosing consciousness I spent texting BW. (Thank god i stopped him from reading those out loud last night. God only knows what I was typing at 3 in the morning with val and darv.)