Thursday, June 11, 2009

Xrays and Blood work

Woke up this morning at the regular time. Sat half way up and squinted towards the alarm clock. A floating red blur gradually sharpened into fuzzy numbers. 6:57. boo. I drag myself out of bed. Say "bye." And head down Kingshighway, the only road I ever drive all the way from Page to Gravois, back and fourth over and over.

This habitual journey switches my brain into auto pilot. I got home, got dressed, brushed my teeth, let the the dog out on the back porch, yelled box a hundred times, until balla scurried into my room jumped on bed, shut the door to my bedroom, and headed down the stairs to my car. Just like every morning I pulled out of my parking spot, turned left on to klemm, right on magnolia, right on tower grove, veer right on to vandevender. I see my boss on the way in at the high way left turn lane. Sometimes I stop here to get on the high way. But since she was there, and i was headed straight to work, I thought I'd use this opportunity to see which direction was faster. I get stuck at quite a few lights and behind a few left hand turners. But still get there right as AH is dropped her heeled foot to the cracked and littered asphalt. Pretty much a tie. I head to the elevator, hit 3, say hi t to the receptionist, to stacy, to Ah, sit down, start my computer, eat a granola bar, check my email, open this blog to proof read last nights entry, and then look up at the calender.

Xrays and blood work, eight thirty. Oh. yeah. woops. Call my favorite surgery scheduling nurse, Jackie, "Hey, Jackie, Jenn Carter, here, so i totally flaked on the appointment, can you fit me in?"

1 comment:

  1. What is it about the blue hospital gown and the orange shoes that is so thought provoking?
